@Jameliah Cunningham In that case, a roommate might not be needed. I thought you would be doing this on your own. You already have a built-in roommate. I see the enthusiasm and it's great. As I've said take time and learn. Also, don't neglect your finances. Unless you have a bag full of money you will probably be getting a loan. Are you in a good position to qualify, have good credit, know different lending options, etc.
@Lee Burns There are a lot of towns in NJ that will have you in the city within 45 minutes via train. Narrow down those towns, what's important to you in the area (since you'll be househacking) and start your search there. Regarding lenders, you can go to a bank, look up mortgage bankers, or if you want private money ask friends and family. Private money from a stranger will be tough to get if you don't have a track record/relationship with that lender. I'm not saying it's impossible, it might just involve you partnering on a deal or some other set up.