@ Vincent Maniquis
Nice to meet you! I am 19 years old sophomore in college so we are close in age. First and foremost congratulations on discovering Real Estate and taking action (Educating yourself) which most people will not do. In terms of family and friends I can give you great advice because I was in a similar situation:
1. Get new friends- The people you call "friends" now you will not talk to at all 5 years from today. These people are only reciting their social conditioning from their parents and those who shaped who they are today. Find people who have the same mindset as you (Other Real Estate Investors).
2. Of course your family are going to say your going to be a failure because they are soon to be the biggest FAILURE. Social Security has a quote " At the age of 65, 75% of Americans are dependent on friends, family and relatives to live, 23% are still working and 2% are financially independent." Minimize the amount of time you spend with negative friends and family. Also remember your young so many people are jealous that time has passed them by. Most people have REGRET! There are many people around your age and older (like myself) who know they are not here on earth to work for 45 years and pay bills.
3. Continue to educate yourself and create a game plan. Where do you want to be 10 years from today? Design your life and work backwards from the end goal. What do you need to accomplish these next 1,2,3,4,5 years to get to your 10 year goal?
You create your reality. Never allow another human being overcome or influence you from doing what you want to do on this earth!