I will tell you why. I have wholesaled over 20 properties in a 2 year period. Much of it is the guru approach, quick money with little time effort or marketing dollars of your own.
You need to commit to sending out at least X amount of marketing pieces every month.This costs MONEY every month whether yellow letters or postcards. I started with a $1,000 budget every month. It can be $300 a month whatever your BUDGET can afford just commit to doing this for at the bare minimum 6 months. Im not going to lie It was tough the first couple months dropping the marketing money and not having anything to show for it. Unless your lucky and happen to get someone when they are motivated, its going to take several contacts before you convert the lead. Many times, people will buy the list and market for 1 or 2 months and then give up . This is a business and it takes awhile to gain momentum. But as you stay consistent your marketing machine becomes more and more reliable. Took me about 7 months to get my first deal and then consistently do deals from then on out.
In addition to that. You absolutely need to know the rules. If you don't know what your doing, understand the contracts how to determine ARV or ERC your not going to get far. If you havent rehabbed homes yourself, take some contractors out to lunch, estimate rehabs on REOs with a contractor, get their PDF itemized list and figure out each individual cost. Then be super conservative with both your ARV and ERC.
Dont have such a pessimistic with this 1% attitude. If you stick it out, and have a good lead source you will get deals its as simple as that. If you get started quit after month 1, 2 or 3 thats where the problems happen. I think the idea thats so pervasive here that "1%" of wholesalers is due to both this and people on this forum labeling themselves as wholesalers that have yet to even take action.