I posted the over the weekend and I dont think anyone saw it. So i wanted to repost it hoping someone will see it this time. I'm new and still am trying to figure things out. I have not had any success at finding buyers or sellers. I have made ads on Craigslist sent out direct mail and made business cards that look like bandit signs and put them on hundreds of cars. I'm doing as much as I can around a full time job with my schedule all over the place. I don't make a lot of money so whenever I spend any it really affects my bills and the family. Can anyone help me out with any other less expensive ways to market for buyers and sellers. I was l looking into bandit signs and saw a few videos on how to go to Home Depot to buy corrogated plastic sheet and to cut them to make the signs. Home Depot told me they don't carry them anymore. Only bundled packs and it take 3 weeks to order and its hundreds of dollars. I tried lowes, menards, hobby lobby and all were the same. Does any one know where I can get these single sheets in or around Milwaukee? I don't have a lot of money or experience and just asking if I can get help from you guys that are more experienced than me. I dont want to say I don't have a lot of time it's just that my job doesn't have a set schedule and it's hard to plans things out not knowing when I will be free. I just need a little direction on which way to go and get materials or othere maerials tof make these signs. I don't want to sound like im complaining cause I'm not. I'm just passionate about this business. I just keep hitting roadblocks. Thanks in advance.