Hello all. I have been lurking here for a bit reading up as much as I can. I greatly appreciate this place and the wealth of knowledge and advice that this place has. Hopefully with time and sage advice from fellow investors on here I can get to a point that some or most of you all are at.
I live in Lexington Ky currently and am currently employed within my family owned insurance agency. Just coming to realize that insurance is not my hearts desire for a career path. I have been interested for sometime in REI, but haven't brought myself to making that initial leap of faith.
My future goal would be to possess a few nice buy and hold properties while taking a stab at rehabbing down the road. I feel like with my business background and education, along with high goals for my future, that this can be obtainable, possibly with some much needed assistance here and from other local investors in my area.
Looking forward to future discussions and networking!