We advise brokers to have their clients pull credit from one of 2 reliable credit reporting websites. An experienced loan officer can look over a report and see trouble before they waste money pulling that clients report. Broker reports are not as detailed. True the disclaimers on most of these sites do state they use their own scoring modules however these 2 sites are pretty accurate and excellent reports. Comming fro someone who views hundreds of different reports on a daily basis, I recomend these top two sites.
Costco.com - if your client is a costco member they can download a report for about $7.00
Truecredit.com -true they make you sign up for a monthly service but you just have to cancell a couple days after you sign up. It costs $14.00
Bottom line? These sites do not leave a hard inquiry on your clients credit report. Yo will not be out another $10-$15 for pulling someones credit and finding out the clients supposedly "good Credit" is actually a 530 middle score. The biggest point? If your client can not afford it, they should NOT be trying to buy a home.