I was a long time renter. I'm 36 years old and was a renter up until 10/31/2013. since that time my fiance and I have moved 1000 miles, bought our primary home, and just last month closed on our first investment property. I've had great landlords and I've had some real azzholes and there is no other way to describe them. I was essentially evicted one time about 9 years ago. I came upon some hard times. I was in the fitness business and tore up my knee requiring surgery along with going through a messy break up. my income was dwindled down and it was a struggle to pay rent on time. I was in and out of housing court 3 months straight always managing to scrap up the money to present to the judge and save my ***. My landlord was understanding; he knew I was a good guy, he didn't judge me as a bad person, he nicely asked me to just give up the apartment, swallow my pride and go rent just a room or something even cheaper til I got back on my feet and ultimately that is what I did. I would rate him a solid B+ landlord. I understood that he was doing his job. Then I had my last landlord who I thought was good until we moved out and she started trying to charge us for lightbulbs, alleged water stains on the sink cabinet and other ridiculous things that clearly fall under the category of wear and tear. I would certainly rate them a D now.
Now that I'm a landlord, I hope to be understanding of my tenants yet firm because I understand that being a landlord isn't about keeping them happy, it's about providing a quality of life for me and my fiancee through these investments. I too am trying to make our places nicer and go after higher rents than average in our area and it was a huge success in this first rental and I think by being understanding and accessible to reasonable requests since the tenant is paying a premium price is only fair.