I've been a full time agent for 5 years now. None of it was ever fun or easy. Honestly, it still isn't. It's just a job. The only time it's fun is when you have an offer accepted (halfway to payday) and when your broker cuts you a check after closing.
However, if investing is truly your heart, it's a great compliment. But there's a lot of industry gurus that sell the idea of making millions as an agent you have to be careful of. Try not to get caught in the "you can be a millionaire real estate agent" trap-- as it's just a transactional job and takes time away from your investing goals.
Being self employed is quite a struggle. But also rewarding. If you're an investor/agent, you're going to be fully dependent on yourself. So is your family. Not dependent on anyone else. Keep that in mind.
I will say being an agent has taught me a lot about the process (offers, escrow, closing), and most importantly how to negotiate/deal with clients. I'm grateful for that experience... It's given me immense confidence to invest and communicate within the process. But I've seen other people self educate themselves and never were agents--and they were just as confident and competent.
Also remember, it costs to be the boss! I pay about $430 a month in dues/fees. So add that into your monthly expenses if you're seeking to be financially free.