Originally posted by @Cory Lucas:
@Corey Frank will do, he’s tried my patience on dragging payment out til the last day a couple times. I’m sure he’ll push it to the point at some point that he’ll get the boot. I’m just unsure on how to handle this one, I feel like I could make it a breach of contract so I can get him out, but at the same time they’re a paying tenant, sooo...
That is a really tough one. I heard of someone years ago that had your problem. The outlook that landlord had was they were getting paid late fees every single month. I do not remember what they charged but it was x amount for the first 2 days, with more added on by day 5. After that day 5 the eviction process was started.... (this is only an example as I can not remember the exact amount) But by day 5 it was $30 or $40. The tenet in this case was always the the same amount of days late and would always pay the same, rather large late fee. That landlord either got paid extra income every month or could evict as a breach of contract because of non payment. I am not sure if you are getting late fees or what they are, per your lease agreement. Hope this helps on the late payment side of things. Maybe puts a different outlook on it.