Quote from @JD Martin:
Quote from @Joe S.:
Quote from @Carlos Ptriawan:
Quote from @Sharon Mittelman:
Quote from @Corey Conklin:
Quote from @Sharon Mittelman:
@Corey Conklin Not sure how old are your kids. when I started educating my kids they were young.
One of the things I did with them was open a special saving account (local Credit union) that gave them 6% on the 1st $500. that meant over $2 every month in interest.
When they asked for a new toy - I told them :"you have money in the bank, you can use it but if you do you will het less interest. So do you really want the toy or do you prefer more money from the bank", most of the time they said :"I'll take more money" :)
@Sharon Mittelman That is a great idea. Help your kids understand that money is a tool to enjoy life and the power of compounding interest!
My child is still young and expecting our 2nd soon. We aren't done having children so it's been a topic that my wife and I have been discussing a lot lately. We not only want our children to work hard and understand how money works, we want them to not attach themselves to material items. Your new toy example does a good job at teaching these principles.
@Corey Conklin It is time to start them on the 401K plan !
With just $1K /year from age of 1 to 65 at 12% They will have almost $12,000,000 tax free money.
If you wait till they are 18 , the same $1K/year at 12% is less than $2,000,000. You just lost your kid $10,000,000 .
Just something to think about.
And also 529 college tuition plan. Start from very early.
I was very happy this week as i just paid my son the last chunk of his tuition fee using 529 and real estate money , basically zero cost education lol…. All these investments after all the years are worthed as kid would finish their university with zero debts zero student loan , and he got 6 digit income even before he graduated.
invest in 401k/529/Ira/real estate is all worthed…
What if my kids don’t wanna go to college. Lol.
Good point! It also winds back to another point: having kids is almost certainly one of the worst financial investments anyone can make. If we're going to talk about things from a pure dollar and sense point of view, there's fewer black holes for money than kids unless you have a farm and can take advantage of free labor once they are of age. Otherwise, you have added a number of individuals to your household who are unable (physically/legally/emotionally/etc) to pay for their own keep.
So if one *really* wants to maximize investment potential, having kids should be pretty far down on the list. Now let's see the comments fly! 😅
I see where you are coming from when you say kids are a terrible financial decision. They aren't cheap and they take up a lot of your time. They test your relationship with your spouse, take away your freedom (and sleep), and will drive you crazy at times!
But having a child will open your eyes to a whole new way of life that is unexpected. Watching a child grow is one of the most amazing things I've experienced in my life.
If you choose to not have children (which is 100% your choice) for financial gain, you will lose out on one of the greatest experiences in life.