@Ben Leybovich your command of the paradigm is strong as always. (Your description often reminds me of Ray Dalio's 'Economic Machine' video on YouTube).
The relationship most folks have with financial services is reminiscent of serfdom.
Do you also arrange your expenses, e.g., the Tesla, primarily as business related to reduce the tax burden of your cash flows?
Beyond paying for expenses, a sweet ride or otherwise, with W-2 income most folks seem to bear more tax burden than is necessary.
If one has to pay for depreciable assets it seems best to pay for them in a manner that the depreciation serves a beneficial purpose (i.e., reduction of taxable income).
Avoiding the use of credit (business not personal) in the current system seems unduly risky unless one has access to float or a growing base of earnings in a low capital business. And there are not many folks in that position (<1%).
And if one correctly organizes their business and cash flows - like you -then they justly deserve luxurious rewards, cars or otherwise. After all, even Mr Buffett flies private.