@Ashley Benning, for partnering with your friends in Utah, you would be able to form a Utah LLC with your partners and invest in multiple properties, getting you the asset protection while limited filing costs and administrative costs that apply in CA. It only costs $15 p/year in Utah to renew LLCs and the CA Franchise tax will not apply to you or the LLC so long as all activities take place in Utah or other states.
This is one way of structuring the arrangement between you and partners in Utah, and other states. At a minimum, you should be sure you and your money and your friends' money and interest are secured (using either proper loan documents or how you take title) and you should also have a very good operating agreement or joint venture agreement to clarify the many points of joint ownership in real estate. There are tons of things to consider and many things to be flushed out. Many partnerships tank because they just don't address situations up front that will eventually come up.
We have a link on our website that is educational regarding the structure of partnerships that you may find very helpful. You can PM me for more info if you'd like.