Hi all,
Hoping to get some info on how selling a deeded parking spot works. My wife and I own a condo in San Francisco that comes with a deeded parking spot. Someone in the building inquired to purchase the spot. They're planning to use a title company to finalize the transfer and we've confirmed HOA is OK with proceeding as well.
Specifically, my questions are...
1. How do capital gains work for this type of sale? My wife and I lived in the unit for 2 of the past 5 years. Does the capital gains tax exemption work when selling a *piece* of your property -- in this case, the deeded parking spot? What would happen if we proceeded to sell the condo in a year or two?
2. Will selling the parking spot affect my current mortgage in any way? I'm assuming documents will get recorded at the county level and our deed will change. Does this trigger anything with our current lender?
3. How would my property taxes change going forward? I believe I would need to get a re-assessment done by the city and then, if approved, my property taxes would get reduced based on the new assessed value.