@Alan Ford I'd highly recommend you chat with your loan officer to get more info on loan forbearance. The more I read about it, the less appealing it is. In particular, the loan modification (e.g. extending your loan terms at the end of the 90 day forbearance) that most banks are offering is not guaranteed -- sounds like consumers may need to "reapply" in some ways similar to a refi (i.e. prove COVID-19 hardship, etc.). Even in the screenshot you provided, the last bullet point clearly says your loan terms may be adjusted if you opt in to the longer-term options. At that point, if you've applied for hardship across all 3 of your loans and have missed payments for 90 days, your interest rate may rise across your entire portfolio.
You also mentioned you're planning to refi down the road... good luck doing that if you have 3 modified loans under your belt due to financial hardship.
There is no such thing as a free lunch. As I mentioned earlier, I think the best advice I have heard across the industry is if you can make your payments, continue to do so. Best of luck.