Originally posted by @Olga Daisel:
I am in dilemma of investing or not.
I have pined a deal in appreciating area of Austin TX. The house rents for 8600 a month. I can get it for 2.75% and 20% down. That's a good part. The bad part is it costs 1.2 mil. Now after paying mortgage, insurance and property tax I will be left with 2500-3000. I have an anxiety that I will owe too much to bank, feels like a lot of liability. Also I feel that I am getting it without a need of rehab for a full price sort of speak. This is also not what I am used to.
So would YOU go for it or would you not?
I take it you didnt use the official BP calculator and instead did back of the napkin math. In that calculator, we always put 8-10% vacancy into our pro forma. Assume that someone moves out every year and it takes a month to advertise, clean up and move-in new tenants. In your case, if you have any vacancy during the year, you end up in the negative by $6000. Since we all know that vacancies are invevitable, you're not going to cashflow. You dont want to take this deal... sorry...
Use the calculator for all future analysis and maybe start out with deals that meet the 1% criteria and then do calculations if it passes initial muster to save you time: