Quote from @Harry Grewal:
Henry I would love to learn more about what to look for in terms of nastiest property
Look up loopnet. Zone in on your buy box. Price below $X, lot size, location, then look at the oldest first- more flexible on price, also something is wrong with it.
For example in the middle of LA there was a horse stable for sale, near overpasses, etc. Remember Nasty doesn’t mean dirty. Just other investors can’t see potential. They see a horse stable business. Subject to zoning I see self storage, parking, tow lot, semi parking, etc.
In Omaha I saw a church for sale. That is Nasty because most buyers can only see a church. It’s in both a great area location and also street location. Flat top roof not tall steeple easy to convert. On 6 acres of ground, plenty of parking. Subject to zoning could be apartments, self storage on extra land, sell lots, etc.
Wet spot. I see free dirt from other construction sites filling up and now a great lot location.
Hill. I see fill dirt for sale. Then a nice flat lot. The best of both worlds is the wet spot and a hill nearby.
Look at what is available. Then figure out how to make money. Excuses mean more profit.