@Jason Hawsey - It seems you already know what to do. You need to negotiate the price down to the point where both of you walk away with a piece of the pie. How you do it, is the skill you need to develop. I would start out with the list of repairs and what it would cost to get them done. Then I would add $52K to it to get your bottom price. If that number is still less than $150 K, I would find a way to split the difference. HINT: No one says that the difference has to be split right in the middle. If you are really in love with the property, I would even consider going a little above your top dollar to see if you can get a good tenant. Assuming its in half decent neighborhood.
P.S. Don't worry about offending people. I typically set the bar so low in the beginning, I can only go up from that point. Kinda like Cleveland Browns. LOL. Just be yourself. Go with what your personality is. There are some really thin skinned people in this world. God help them.