@Joseph Quinones Hello! Strategy wise, I got a local real estate magazine and just got several realtors email addresses and sent an email to them all bcc. I was very respectful and told them what I had, what I was looking for and if they had cash buyers in their clientele. I also offered to share some of my profit with them if their referral made a deal. A few replied giving me permission to send my flyer. Secondly, farmed bandit signs, craigslist, twitter etc and reached out to a few people and I just googled "cash buyers real estate" in my state and contacted them as well with some success. Thirdly, I went to the tax assessors site, found properties near mine that appeared to be owned by investors, so and so llc or so and so and associates and contacted them and this has generated some feedback.
I just contracted the property this past weekend but I had a small list of potential buyers before I had the contract.....hope this helps. I'm a newbie too at this by the way!