@Solomon Morris
Hi Solomon,
Thanks for the information. I actually planned on using a conventional or home ready loan with low down payments to avoid PMI. Although I haven't asked I am fairly confident that I could receive a loan (up to 5k) from family or friends to help pay for part of the down payment or closing costs.
As for your question about where I plan on living is either Denver or Boston (both expensive). I understand that you think I should wait but at the same time all the money I spend in rent is money that could be saved or put back into another investment. I also understand the self education part and the need to be ready but I’ve been hitting books hard and meeting with other people to build my network. I wouldn’t invest if I didn’t feel ready obviously, but I think that by that time I would be ready.
Thanks for the book recommendation! I’ll add it to my list, I’ve heard of it on the podcast, sounds great.