Hi, I am in the middle of an odd scenario.
I have a condo in Guttenberg, NJ... investment property.
A new tenant signed a lease in early January for a January 19th move in. They were supposed to submit prorated January rent, full February rent, and security deposit, per the lease they signed. They only submitted Feb rent and security deposit. Jan 19th came and went, they didn't pick up the keys, didn't submit the rest of the funds that were due. We spoke on the phone and she claimed, 'she didn't know what she was signing.' so we agreed it was okay to pick up with Feb 1, I didn't love this, but fine, you beat me for January.
February first came and went, same thing. She didn't pick up the keys. She is generally unresponsive, but when we did speak again, she said she planned to move in Feb 28th. We are now in March, she still has not picked up the keys, the place is vacant, the utilities were put in someone else's name (not on the lease). And of course, March rent has yet to be paid.
On one hand I think I dodged a bullet with this person not moving in, bc it sounds like it would be a year of complete chaos. For that I am grateful. On the other hand, I feel I can't relist the place since there is a signed lease.... I think I need this person "signoff" on voiding this lease. (yes, I have spoken to my attorney about this approach)
In the meantime, I am interested in chatting with anyone who has run into to anything similar. Thanks for your time.