@Robert Hall@Brian White It can be tough to find deals in your area because prices are high and you get a lot of competition.@Kenesha Lewis, what sort of list did you use.
Mailing can be very effective, but you do need to get innovative when you are in a crowded market like this.
You should consider mailing to people who aren’t in every other investor’s sites. Absentee Owners have been popular for a long time, and are apparently still somewhat effective (people are still mailing to them) but they are getting multiple offers to buy their home. It's hard to stand out.
There are some owner-occupied segments with people who share motivating factors for selling their home.
Seniors with Long-time Ownership: often ready to downsize or transition to assistance.
Homeowners with Low Financial Stability Scores (FSS): Struggling financially and likely ready to cash in on their asset.
Both these categories have additional advantages in that they probably don’t haven’t been updated and may have deferred maintenance. They won’t be expecting the same money as their neighbors with the shiny new kitchen and fresh paint.
Robert, even if you go the traditional realtor route, the seniors could be a good segment for getting listings.