** I know there a few previous threads on this subject. I've read through them -I wanted to start this in case anything is new since the last thread/others that hasn't saw those perhaps wanted to comment here - as well as my Canadian specific question. Also - Perfect Price is pretty new - not sure if anyone has experience with them
I'm trying to decide which pricing tool to go with - I'm leaning towards Price Lab (partly because it integrates with the PMS I want to use) but curious what others are using and how they find it. Or even better, if you made a switch and why.
I find Beyond pricing to be a little expensive compared, and Wheelhouse next in line. It seems the flat fee model of the Price Labs and Perfect Price work out better if the unit is at least average in annual rental. Of course if you're leaving money on the table in lost revenue from poor software, that point is moot.
Also curious, does anyone have any experience with Canadian properties on these? During one my PMS demos the salesperson made a point to comment that I should be careful as some of the pricing software is better than others in Canada - but they didn't elaborate how/why, or which were good/bad. I've tried a long google search and can't find anything.