@Jim M. you'll likely get varying opinions, but let me share with you what I've done. I partnered with a local GC with rehab knowledge and time. I don't have time but I do have financial resources. After some discussion, we decided to structure our partnership 50/50, because we each feel the other brings as much value to the table as we do ourselves. Really, it just comes down to that... how much value do you each feel the other brings in relation to your own. It's a negotiation for sure.
But let me go down a different path briefly. You alluded to the trust that must exist between partners. That is absolutely HUGE. Try to build in some sort of checks and balances that enable you to lead with trust but also have a way to verify. As time goes on and trust is reaffirmed, you might change things a bit.
Another absolutely critical ingredient is communication. It's easy at first when everything is new and exciting. But when you're in the trenches, and reality is clobbering you in the face, you MUST be able to get everything out on the table, discuss what's going on, and make hard decisions.
Trust but verify. And communicate, communicate, communicate. Nothing new here, just sharing some of the lessons I'm learning.
Best of luck,