@Ryan Bosetti our operating agreement outlines each partner's core responsibilities. My partner's core focus is the rehab, since that's where is background and skill set lies. My core responsibility is aligned with my background and expertise as well... finance, taxes, insurance, and legal.
We work together on deal prospecting and acquisition and coming up with the overall design and rehab plan for the property. Then I try to stay out of his way while he manages the rehab. We have regular updates/discussions as the project progresses. I'll stop by periodically to see how things are going, but otherwise my involvement is fairly passive unless I have a major concern.
Among the things listed, I handle all the finances. I run the modeling and deal analysis. I keep the books. I manage the relationships and activity with the financing companies. I provide regular financial status reports as the project progresses, along with final results after the project is completed.
Once the rehab is complete, we work together on staging and marketing, along with any repair items coming out of the inspections, and anything else required to take us through to closing.
My wife and I have owned and self-managed rentals for several years, and we want to eventually expand into multi-family units. We view rehabbing as a way to accumulate the additional capital and expertise needed. We were originally planning to go it alone, hire the contractors, and manage the rehab ourselves. But honestly I was overwhelmed at the expected time commitment. I have a demanding full-time job, a large family, and I'm very active in serving in my church. My available time for managing rehabbing projects is not conducive. So the partner request from our now GC friend was very timely. We do still leave the go-it-alone option on the table in case conditions change with my partner.
You might be in a different position. If you have the time, basic knowledge, and financial resources, you might consider cutting your teeth on a small project. The knowledge part is huge, because there's a hundred different things that can go wrong during a rehab. Definitely not for the faint of heart. A partner with experience is the easiest way to start down that path until your own experience and confidence grows.
Hopefully that's what you were looking for. Let me know otherwise.