Without having been explicity told, I have surmised the same. I have two S8 props remaining (mercifully low proportion of total). Both are more than adequate in condition and function, yet the inspector failed both houses by the tune of 3 full pages of items. egregiously unprecedented, and without question a "passive", indirect method of redlining to reduce overall obligation.
far as I'm concerned, this is a favor to everyone. allow me to rationalize for just a sec:
1. fewer deadbeat tenants with a free teat to suck on (or one less channel for free lunch, tho I'm sure they'll find it in the next-in-line fed handout)
2. one less temptation for owner/landlord to seek "easy" tenancy
3. less train-wreck midnight tenant evacuations
4. (ostensibly) less gov money (ie, ahem, taxpayer dollar, aka gov pork) being woefully allocated to undeserving recipients
5. less red tape headache
6. less gov dependency (something we could all stand to appreciate more, on a trend of necessity unprecedented)
That's a quick-6. I could think of more but it might turn into a rant.