If I was under contract on anything I would get out, but that's just my opinion. In fact, I just sold two properties in TX (one in Jan and one in Mar) with a plan to buy a Smokies cabin this spring, but not really willing to go that route at this point. Yes, things could be back to "normal" (whatever the new normal is going to be) in a few months, but things could also go back to "normal" and then we have a second outbreak and things stop for longer. I'm not willing to risk sitting on an empty $500k cabin for 3 months (in the best case scenario) let alone for longer (much more likely).
Another thing to think about is all the people who can no longer pay their mortgages. How long will the banks be willing to let the payments slide? Even if we get back to normal in 3 months, there will be 20M people without jobs who still can't pay their mortgages. Will the banks let mortgages slide for 12 months? 18 months? Who knows. The ripple effects of missed mortgage payments, missed rent payments, 20M people out of jobs, etc. etc. etc. is going to result in a lot of foreclosures in the next 6-18 months. Id rather stay liquid and be able to pounce on anything that comes up. That's just me though.
On a side note, I'm actually really disappointed about not being able to buy a cabin. I've been super stoked about it for a year+ now and was ready to get going. There's an old saying, "there will never be a perfect time to buy." That's 99.99% true, however this current situation is the 0.01% time when its LITERALLY the worst time in human history to buy. Extremely high prices (which I was still willing to pay had this not happened), no revenue, and for the first time in history not a single person on the planet knows what's going to happen.
Keep your dry powder for a better time.