@Travis Rasmussen thanks for the reply!
I am a superhost as well! Great job getting that and keep up the good work!
Yea, my risk tolerance isn't super low, but I don't want to stretch myself too thin and end up a "successful to homeless" story either if something should happen.
Great point on the extra income of the property as that's a huge part of it, it's not much. With the mortgage, HOA, etc. a couple hundred bucks average per month over the year (with the majority coming in summer as we are on the beach). That's why I'm in a rush to pay it off so I can actually see the fruits of my labor come to fruition and get nice cash flow for future properties. Paying it off would definitely be the more conservative approach, but I know it would be a HUGE domino effect for the future as I can then leverage that income to pay off the next, and the next, etc. But my biggest thing these days is not waiting 30 years to be wealthy lol so it's tough!
I guess really I can't go wrong either way. I'm not one to sit around and not take action either so I probably WILL buy another one, but it won't be too planned. Can't say no to a good deal if one comes through the woodworks!
Thanks again for the input and ill get back on here when we make the "official" decision!
Good luck with your rentals!