That was a great response, however, why does someone need to go to a bootcamp to learn the material that you just spelled out in a few paragraphs? Everything that you have just mentioned can be learned right here on the forum; the amount of time it takes depends on your motivation. I have learned 90% of my knowledge either from the people that post here or the personal relationships with the people I have met as a result of this forum.
I just don't really think the bootcamp stuff is necessary; you've been sending out 200 cards every month, averaging one deal every two months? That don't sound very tenacious. Also, what about all those people who have called but receive no reply? Showing people the courtesy and respect by calling them back is where most of my business has originated.
I'm not harping on you or what you have done, to each their own .The real estate learning curve has a definitive price, mine was $80 for the few books that I have purchased. But I have paid a priceless amount with my blood, sweat, and tears in this game.
What is your exit strategy, ie, wholesale, rehab, rental? Also, what is the price of the funds available by the investor network you are referencing?