3 major suggestions I have for you to consider to protect your future assets. Ditch the car payment. When applying for a loan, it factors into the D of your DTI, meaning it may be the reason you are denied for a loan or the process is delayed. Next, buy an investment property under the hypothetical assumption that you are the sole owner and that you can not rely on a girlfriend, wife, or roommate to supplement your payments. You never know if someone needs to move for whatever reason, and you can potentially end up in a pickle. Also, I recommend you disregard the credit card(s) as a method of paying real estate expenses. With exceptions, many of the best and older investors have made that mistake and lost a lot as a result. It's not out of the question to use them strategically and be successful using them as a tool, but it's a dangerous avenue that I, personally, try to deter other investors from traveling. Otherwise, as long as you run your numbers right and do your due diligence, I think you'll be in good shape. Best of luck!