I was hoping to get some clarity on the rent collection functionality of the stessa/rentredi platform, versus hiring a property management company. I'm confused with the potential overlap of functions.
I have read on here that hiring a property manager for out of state rentals include the service of them collecting your rent for you. Since platforms like stessa/rentredi have this feature, can you hire a property manager out of state without the service of collecting rent?
My second question was on the banking services side for these platforms. Are you connecting your traditional bank accounts to the platform? Or do they use the virtual banking model like Baselane and Quickbooks Money, etc?
I heard of a situation (I forget the institution name) that also had the same set up as Baselane. But when their business relationship with the actual bank soured, the API connection was severed and the people were basically left without access to their money.. And FDIC wasn't going to kick in since basically, the bank had not failed.
Hoping to get some clarity from the brain trust here. Thank you in advance.