@Kevin F.
Making the transition to full-time investor is certainly possible. The question really comes down to how much time are you willing to dedicate to learn, practice and fail at the business before you succeed?
Questions you need to answer for yourself are:
- How much income (in dollars) are you trying to replace?
- How much capital are you starting with?
- How long is your time horizon? Meaning, do you need to accomplish this in 5 years or 25.
Answering these questions will determine how long or how difficult it may be to accomplish. For example, if you are starting with $15,000 to invest, and that's all you have, and you need to replace $10,000 per month in income, you will need to be creative or raise money from other people. You can see how the above questions will help create clarity on the current situation vs where you want to be.
Buying your first note for investment or your IRA is not difficult. It requires some basic learning and possibly someone to hold your hand on the first purchase. Same goes for just a few notes.
If you plan on making it a business, meaning buying, selling, modifying or otherwise having it consume most of your focus, it is much like any other business. It takes time, networking, knowledge, perseverance, being organized, etc.
It can certainly be done. The best place to start is with the end in mind.
- Why do you need the money?
- Why is doing this important to you?
- How much money do you need?
- How will you know when you've succeeded?
Most importantly, what type of person do you need to become to reach these goals?
- Josh