I wish my county was like Edwards. My county makes you come to the courthouse. They says its not available online. (although looking at their technology infrastructure I could probably access it if I worked for the county. Its not that unsophisticated. They just dont want the public accessing it I guess.) Whats nice is that you can do wildcard searches on properties. For instance Last name starts with A. Date of death range 12/01/2010 - 1/3/2011. I just go from A-Z every 30 days. I make a note of where I left off last so I'm not wasting my time doing redundant searches.They charge 25 cents a page for printouts. Ive learned to look for a) the ones that dont look like husband and wife where the survivor is still living at the property and make sure none of the admistrators are living at the property. b) To look instantly for the ones that have real estate listed as assets c) The ones that don't have a lot of people listed as heirs. To answer your questions.
1. If there's no Real Property listed under "Nature of Assets" I dont bother with it. IMHO it seems like a waste of time vs the records that have property listed as assets.
2. I've never contatcted the the Attorney for Petitioner only because I've never had a need. I only contact the person who the Letters of Administration have been issued to.
3. I've been actively pursuing probate for about a year. Ive found that if I wait to long (typically past 45 days), the administrators instanly go with what they know which is to list the property with an agent. I search for deaths within the last 30 - 45 days. When I have an address I'm intrested in, I will google it to determine if its been listed already. There have been a few properties I've come across that really get my attention (1-10 miles away) and I drive by to see if its my kind of property (ugly, not well maintained or needs work) and when I pull up and there is a realtor sign in yard. Or I call an executor and they say those properties have been sold.(ouch). BTW - I found that calling after sending a letter works well. That way its not quite a cold call
I'm in NY. I've tried this in a county in PA and you cant do any searches without a name. In another county in NY they list the deaths in the local law journal so you may want to try that but that did cost me money so you have to weigh if it will work for you or if it even exists where you are.
Just keep in mind that more is better. The response rate (at least for me) is not that high. The ones that do respond most frequently Ive found are condo owners (which I dont prefer), Also there is a challenge with getting to that 65-70 % of ARV sweetspot. My huge selling point is I buy cash, AS IS, in 10-14 days with no inspections, no contingencies. That seems to get their attention.
A bit wordy but I hope this helps a bit.