Armando's and the other GURU's infomercials are so slick and sexy.
They lure you in with the call 2 action. "Call in now and receive my free book"...who doesnt want something for free?( u pay shipping and handling ) and then attend the mini seminar at one of the hotel locations designed to lure you in and subsequently suck some "education" money out of you.
I admittedly have lost a ton of money on GURU programs. Yes, i've learned a lot but what I use in real life is no where near what Ive learned. Some of sales techniques, how to handle objections, some letters to prospects, some we buy houses cas advertisements. Definetly not worth the money I shelled out. It's interesting because like you said these guys are MASTERS @ marketing and advertising and have the slickest and sexiest half hour infomercials I've ever seen. Robert Allen jumping out of a Jaguar. ****** filming from his Mercedes Benz. The infomercials are hypnotic, very, very tantalizing, and always seem to appeal to my inner entrepreneur. Ultimately, they all follow the same model...
The main goal of an infomercial is to turn passive watchers into active buyers. Here's how:
1. Capture the viewer's attention and keep it.
2. Keep them watching while you present the benefits with emotion.
3. Close the sale by getting the customer to take action.
I've been blinded by the light a few times. @ the end of the day I've found that alot of the text book real estate investing "education" i get on books and CD's from the seminar's Ive attended doesn't apply in real life. Its just a blue print. I think it's valuable but way, way,way overpriced. I think that most people (present company included) never know that you don't need to over pay for the information until you've already, well, overpaid for the information.
Classic case of "you dont know...what you don't know."