More work done this weekend. A buddy came to help me and we got all the carpet and padding out of the master bedroom. I used the blacklight to identify areas where the cats had sprayed the walls. I then sprayed almost a gallon of Nature's Miracle (with disinfectant) on all the affected areas in both bedrooms. The subfloors looked pretty good, just a couple spots that definitely need replacing.
My buddy worked on the stairway, and we found two sizeable piles of poop in a little closet thing that held stereo equipment. We got that out, and scraped the landing and treads as best we could, then swept it all up. Apparently she was putting newspaper down on the treads, and they got pooped/peed on and turned into pooper machete. We'll be ripping all the treads and risers out and replacing.
Stairs before:
and after:
My wife went in on Sunday to work on the downstairs. She said the upstairs smelled positively pleasant, which was a nice surprise! She also said the stairs reeked, which makes sense. She pulled out piles and piles of cat and roach poop from under the stairs where the water heater is located. We're going to have to gut all that, clean, disinfect, and kilz it and re-install the water heater.
She also just picked up downstairs and organized all the stuff. Threw out some old homeowner items. The downstairs was already well on its way. (The kitchen is worse than we thought, however)
Dining room to the left:
Nice built-in unit in the living room:
All for now!
(And yes, basically the entire place will be scrubbed and coated in Kilz. I'm not taking any chances.