Originally posted by @Cal C.:
Twenty something responses and only two have actually answered my question. Please don't waste your time writing that I was wrong not to agree to the agent getting 6% for making a phone call and writing a contract or for trying to convince me that having his father slightly outbid me after he found out what I was bidding is not unethical.
The problem isn't that people aren't answering your questions, it is that you don't like the answer. Here is your questions:
Simply report the agent to the Board of Realtors? No, nothing unethical took place. Multiple realtors told you that.
Report the agent and contact the seller to tell her what happened? No, this is petty and unproductive. The seller doesn't care if you buy it or someone else buys it. In fact they may be unhappy that you pulled your original offer. Many people consider verbal offers binding, so your behavior could be considered unethical too.
Just tell the seller what happened? Again, petty and unproductive.
Text the original agent to tell him I know he sold the property to his father? He already knows he sold the property to his father. I am guessing the seller does too, because most likely they share the same last name.
Make an offer to buy the property from his father at the same price I originally offered (JOKING).
Call his mom, who is his broker and tell her I think what her son and husband did was pretty crappy (obviously she knew all about this)? Petty and unproductive. What mother is going to side with a stranger over her own husband and child? Common sense, come on.
Do Nothing and let fate take care of this unethical family? Yes do nothing, although I disagree that they were unethical.
Something else? I can tell by your responses that you are a difficult person to deal with. I challenge you to consider how many problems you may be creating for yourself. For example, you had this deal and lost it due to a distorted view of fairness. You didn't even cut your own agent in the deal, which is kind of crappy too.