I have negotiated a deal with the Los Angeles News Group set of newspapers, http://www.langnews.com/About/index.shtml
I can get a "We Buy Houses" classified ad in front of 1.5 million readers (1.6M on Sundays) every day for about $41 a day (I have to prepay for 40 days). This includes the following papers: Los Angeles Daily News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Whittier Daily News, Pasadena Star News, San Bernardino Sun, Redlands Daily Facts and Torrance Daily Breeze. The same ad must run in all papers.
That is much too large of an area for me to cover on my own. I am looking to partner with my fellow investors here at BP to share in the cost (I am not looking to make any money off of this). Each person would have exclusivity to that area code and prefix.
Here is what I was thinking. I can get an 800 # for $2 a month, and $.06 a minute, that has a voicemail on it.
I can set up the voicemail with a 60 second "screening" script.
When a person leaves message, I get emailed an MP3 file with the message, along with the caller id # of the caller. I will forward that email on to the person that has the area.
Or I may be able to redirect the call based on area code & prefix, but not sure.
Then, based on where calls come in from, we can 'divy' up the calls, based on Area Code and prefix. You can see what area codes and prefixes are close to you, here: http://www.melissadata.com/lookups/phoneradius.asp You have to register, but is a free search.
Depending on who wants what, will determine the area. it is pretty much determined by the paper.
I for sure want the area code, 562. The rest are up for grabs.
Each month, I get a bill for the 888 service, so at that time, I would like to get reimbursed for the minutes used for your area.
there are probably some details that still need to be worked out, but for now, let me know who is interested.
Whatever payment is agreed to, would have to be paid upfront. I imagine, we could all make checks out to the LANG and I could mail them together.
None of this is set in stone, I would like to hear your opinion on how it would work for you. If this works, we could also start looking at going to other papers.
let me know!