Originally posted by Lauren Norwood:
If I may ask, why wouldn't I be able to have an LLC w/ an S-Corp election. Wouldn't I just have to fill out Forms 8832 & 2553. Under the Form 2553 instruction (http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i2553.pdf) sheet, it gives who is eligible. Wouldn't an LLC be eligible under those terms?
You are spot on Lauren. By default, a single member LLC will be taxed as a sole proprietorship UNLESS it elects corporate status by filing Form 8832. Once that election is made a timely filed (and approved) 2553 will allow S-Corp filing status and your LLC should file a 1120S each year. Income will flow to your members' personal returns via a K-1. Your LLC will have all the tax advantages (and disadvantages, if any) of any other corporation with a S election.
That being said, the TYPE of income your LLC is generating should weigh heavily in your decision on how the LLC should be taxed. Your tax pro should be able to give you guidance, and if he/she can't then find someone who can :-)