@Khaled Seirafi
Couldn't agree more with what @Joel Owens said!
It's not to deflate you as you've done a great job of building your capital, congrats on that.
It's a tough love reality check that these folks are busy and very successful for the most part and don't have time to be vetted or interviewed by a novice. You can't big shot these folks so please don't try.
Even if they do entertain you, the seller will make the final decision on who to sell to and for me if you aren't a proven commodity I'm not going with you and if for some reason I do you can bet I'm asking for a lot of hard earnest day one, just too much risk for me.
Get on multiple national groups email lists and start going through the deal flow you receive. You won't get the off-market deals this way but they aren't going to give them to you anyway at this point. Once you find a few, set up tours and fly in for them. This will start to develop a rapport and as long as you are perceived as a good and rational potential buyer they may start sending a few things your way.
It can be a long process to establish yourself but it's well worth it.