Dear Blake---Divorces in general are terrible, as a former divorced person I can say that without any hesitation. When a person goes through a divorce, everything is upside is a mess, emotionally, financially, spiritually. I am not sure if the seller is of the right/best mind....
The seller is moving quite quickly with you, and the numbers do not seem accurate. I would ask the seller for the name of the handyperson they use, and then call that person to get a better sense of the repairs and expenses. Who did the repairs is always my first question with a seller....My gut tells me that this is not a good deal because the seller is distressed, too quick in responding to your questions, and not providing enough detail. And yes, I have a big gut but my weight is a whole other story completely....(smile). Might this be because the seller does not know who the handyperson is?
If the expenses are as low as what is stated then this might mean that serious capital expenditures will be forth coming. If my income was $36K and expenses only 6k, that would leave me with $30k....I could live off of that quite nicely, and so could many of us. Then the question is why is the person really selling? Why? It would also seem to me that such a good deal could or should be offered to the sellers' family member or friend...
I appreciate your zest, earnestness, enthusiasm, and verve....I wonder if sitting back on this one, and treating it as a 'watch and learn" might be beneficial. I would watch this deal from a far, and use this as a learning tool. The tribe, at least from what I can gleam, says No.