"Back in the day" when taking a sales class in college, we were taught to write down every objection to our product, and then a response for that objection. Lets do this for real estate objections/fears and how to overcome them.
For example
Objection: I am too busy in my job.
Answer: The most important thing you can do for your income is to create additional streams. If you have one income stream, a job, and you loose that job you have lost 100% of your income. If you have a job and just one income producing rental property then you have a safety net. With each additional rental property you become less reliant on that job.
Objection: I am afraid that I will loose money.
Answer: Nobody wants to loose money but if you invest in a 100K college education you wouldn't consider that money lost. Every deal that I have lost money on I have considered that an education expense and I have learned enough to make 10x the amount of the loss in my next investment.
So everyone, throw out some excuses you have had or throw our some answers to other objections. Lets all help each other get over any objections we or other people are putting up.