April, sorry for sounding a little harsh, but this is coming from a caring spot. Now if becoming successful was just those very very few things you did, then everyone would be successful.
Understand that the principle holds that 10,000 hours of "deliberate practice" are needed to become world-class in any field. Read Malcolm Gladwell "Outliners."
So you have a buyers list, but no leads. Do me a favor: STOP sending money and start putting in the hours.
Action: Find all the properties that sold this year in your target market and that were bought in ALL CASH deals. Why All Cash? Cause they are usually Real Estate Investors and wealthier people who can afford to help you. Now, do 100 calls a day for 6 months straight and ask the following question:
"What can I do to help you, so that one day you will think of helping me sell one of your deals?"
It's that simple, put in the hours. Money is only for awareness campaigns, you need everyone to know what you want.
Btw, this will cost you NOTHING and provide you will all the results you need, it's just 99% of people would rather complain and do nothing about it.
*Tip: If you are still questioning the 100 calls a day for 6 months straight, then you already failed at being successful in your craft.