Update: Well so just when I thought I was doing well, BAM! Proven to be too much for me once again. Why don't I learn? The good news is I got the roof done, and I even talked them into taking entire payment upon completion. The job seemed to go well, until I realized I forgot, AGAIN, the demon known as the tv dish! I spent all day beating myself up because I have replaced roof after roof after roof after roof, and every single firggin time, they destroy a part of it by re-installing a friggin dish that wasnt even in use, because of some brain blockage I apparently suffer from. I even got photos of the jobsite, the roof, I even spoke to tenants about the fact that I do not allow those dirty disgusting things on my roofs, I even got photos from the tenants to prove it was the tenants before them that had it installed, so it's not like it wasnt in my mind, and here I thought I dotted every i and crossed every t, but no. That would apparently be too much to expect from myself, they installed a dead dish on my brand new roof. Just shoot me. Now. GOD I HATE THIS BUSINESS. Can't understand why I ever thought I could do this stuff, it's made me feel nothing but inadequate, stupid, dim, brain dead. Everything I touch in this business turns to crap, every decision I have ever made in this horrible wretched occupation has confirmed my inability and caused me nothing but despair and grief. I hate it so much it has ruined my perception of myself, my finances, my personality, my entire inner being, my whole life, all devastated by this abusive horrendous business. The thought of travelling to it which I do not want to do and trying to fix it which I am not capable of and being cheated again and beaten to the ground by my own stupidity is making me sick. I highly doubt I will live through this massacre of any shred I had left of any confidence in my capability. It's gone. I wish I could just drop dead. Now. I don;t want to be here.