Hey BP,
Has read multiple posts and still can't get a hard answer here. Hoping to be specific enough to get a solid answer here.
Long story short, I am a non-incorporated individual investor looking to send RVM (ringless voicemail) and Cold Texts to lists I've purchased and scrubbed against the DNC list. Is this legal to do in the state of Florida? Here are the specifics regarding laws I've looked into below.
Florida Senate Bill 568 specifically states ringless voicemail and cold texting requires written consent. HOWEVER, it also states that the bill is an extension of the Do Not Call List.
Does this mean that the only people you can not send a RVM or Cold Text to are just the ones on the DNC List already?
I've also seen information limiting certain marketing from a business or corporation. HOWEVER, I am not incorporated and technically not a business entity, just a dude looking to possibly buy a home. So would these rules even apply?
Lastly, would any rules relating to "solicitation" and "telemarketing sales" calls apply at all given that I am not trying to sell anything, I'm in fact just inquiring about possibly purchasing their property?
Thanks in advance