Hey guys first i want to thank any and every one who responds to this question seens it is basically a noon question. Just on i am a little unsure about. OK so my story I recently Got into college I will be free and clear with no depth what so ever because of the gi bill. I am hitting dental school after this. Dental school will not be free and clear. However I should have about 800 saved up after from military disability and the income that the gi bill gives me to go to school. Now after I finish dental school my goal is in 10 years I want enough propertys to bring in net 100k. That means with the 50 percent rule I need about 200k. How posible do you think that is? The median income as me being a dentist is stated to be 140k. Obviously let's take the worst case senerio and I make 70k plus my 10k a year disability. If I can manage to live on 20k of that as well as my sweethearts income will i still be able to hit that number ? I still have no bills so I can still plan to live below my means somthing alot don't do. I guess I kind of see how this could work and I can relise the numbers but idk maybe I'm just looking for some confidence with someone agreeing that this could work if I do it.I really want a grasp of realism here. I'm sure I have that at least to some extent I really appreciate all of your input thank you so much God bless.