Portland Oregon has received top city to live in 2 years in a row, and growing at a rapid pace. With large companies like, Nike, and Intel the growing demand for affordable housing/rentals are ever increasing.
The primary concern for Portland with current residents, and relocating clients is our double digit value increase in 2013. This forced our hand at providing suitable rentals and an monthly increase for rent rates. While this isn't as suitable for new buyers, have sky rocketed the rental market here. We are seeing close to 1.00 to 1.20 per square foot on homes in areas surrounding Portland Metro. The investor feeding frenzy is in full affect, and continues to grow.
National investor American homes 4 rent is seeing a producing rate of 71% on their north west portfolio. We all know what happened when they went public, but with Portland hold stronger than other markets were able to turn a heft profit when they sold their 200 plus doors.
With the removal of A4R in our market, has left a feeding ground for smaller local, and national investors to swoop in and find large profit margins throughout the city.
Come prepared by, finding a local Real Estate team that is fast to offer, and impeccable systems. This is a must in this very aggressive market. You must be ready with Proof of funds, sub-contractors, Realtor, and property management company to compete in this market.