You have to check your city legislation for what is the amount of tenants you can have in a 2 bedroom apartment. Some states will state 2.5 people per bedroom others say 1.5 per bedroom. Some states have different rules for those landlords who live in the house as opposed to those who live in another. For example, in NYC if you have a 4 family you can discriminate only if you live in one of the units. You cannot if it is commercial. However, I believe you can deny renting to a child sex offender if the building is near a school. If you do rent to sex offenders you are supposed to report it. Not renting to sex offenders or excons is not discrimination. Discrimination only protects sex, sexuality, race, religion, income, age, national origin, marital status, disability. Sometimes there are leeways for religion, age and sex but normally that is for organizations that own property for example Senior housing, Women in Need Battered women, or male Veteran housing.