Originally posted by Justin S.:
You could have a dual system. The current system is really a "contribution" system. The more you contribute the higher your points. Contributions are great because they drive site activity. You could then have the "expertise" system in which people vote on original blog and forum posts. For blogs you could have a check box which asks if the blog post is your own or a reproduction. I would also make the voting system blind.
I, too, believe that you will need separate scoring systems in place. One system to keep track of participation and another for expertise.
Both systems should support quality not quantity. Let's face it, quality is what we are after because junk postings only contribute to server load and slow down this site's performance. Also, quality is what drives membership and participation.
I believe it is extremely important to focus on quality of topics and posts. For this, perhaps Josh can establish two separate equations, one for original topic quality and another for response or post quality. One single vote is allowed per topic per member on each the quality of the original topic and quality of responses.
Also, the higher the quality the original topic scored by members the more points the original poster will get, the best response posts overall points should be increased as well. Contrarily, the lower the quality of the post, the lower the points to the original topic poster and best response post.
Forums should be weighted. The forums with the most activity should also be weighted differently in the valuation of points.
Scoring system:
Original topic valuation can be based on a rating system. Perhaps 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 or whichever is user friendly.
Best post (response) should be based on a voting basis. Each member can vote once per topic and the top vote getter should be awarded the most points.
You can also award more points to the top post responses on topic which score high on topic quality.
Participation: Should also be a point system and anytime a member votes, posts, add files, blogs, etc. They should also receive participation points. Kind of like the influence scoring is done now. You can use a time factor, where points will be lost if the member's participation drops.
I, for one, believe that members should feel that they can come here and post as little or as much as they want. I wish I could send more time on this site and post as frequently as others, but I can't so I try to focus on quality instead. However, quality of posts is the ugly red headed step- child of the current influence system.
Josh, this site is great and if you do nothing to fix the current system, it will still be great in my opinion. But, I am very happy to see that you looking to improve, which, in the end, is why I expect this site to stay number 1!