Originally posted by
@Jerryll Noorden:
I picked one for the same reason why I don't understand why someone would start a CC business or a DMM business.
You are not born with a DMM business. At one point in life you must have made the decision and say to yourself: "Self,...You know what? I will start a DMM business and charge investors to send out mailers".
I mean what the heck! WHY would you pick an inferior marketing channel that is KNOWN not to work...
So that is how I picked my channel.
NOTHING beats SEO period! Nooooooot... Inggggg!
So I picked SEO period.
"Ohh but it takes time, Ohh but it is difficult, Ohh but but but.."
Do you want to be successfull yes or no?
Yes? OK then shut the frog up, step up and claim what is rightfully yours!
I did! And now...
Here is the thing.
You WILL become the best at anything if you will devote all you have to that something!
So now the question becomes...
WHAT do you want to be the best at, if you KNEW you will become the best at it?
Do you really want to be the best at door knocking? Having to go out in the snow, in the heat, in the rain?
Or how about DMM. Do you really want to be the best at spending a fortune, to be yelled at, demanded to remove them from your list and having to explain over and over again that they have nnot been specifically targeted, skip tracing, and yada yada yada?
Do you want to be the best at... getting free high quality leads, that beg you to please buy their house like clockwork on autopilot?
Yes? Smart dude. SEO it is. Good choice.
My job here is done. Another turned to the Jerryllside!