Well lets say I'm learning by the fire here on renting. Long story short I rented to what seemed like the perfect couple 6 months ago after going through lots of scary people. The guy checked out, girl had no job so I didn't even look at her.
Anyway they move in, pay everything and a month later the nonsense starts. Six months later they owe me part of a months rent from 5 months ago still, (long story, fight between them not me) and the woman mid 30's constantly asks for favors, can I borrow a few bucks, borrow your car, bum a smoke off you. She never pays back what I ended up lending her out of pity, couple hundred bucks.
They fight almost every day and it's a noise issue I've talked to them about but they continue to fight like cats and dogs. She is to the point of being extremely annoying, constantly asking a favor of some kind. I finally told her I just can't help you anymore go away. I was going to wait it out till the lease expires and tell them to get out but there is 6 months left and it's getting worse. They won't stop fighting but he does pay the rent in full every month now but there is still the issue of what they owe me.
I know where my mistakes are and don't need a lecture on that just looking for suggestions on what you would do and I will definately do a lot better next time.