Dustin, I said,
"short term rentals are going to go away in the majority of town",
I still stand by that. If people want a nice lakefront retreat, they're not going to glom at the chance to overpay in some packed tourist core, nor someplace out in the county. California people are going to discover more welcoming lakes. Fly in people will fly to other places. You'll get to sell a lot of properties that USED to be VHRs. The bargain hunters are already getting ready to strike, and you've seen that. Enough people have been burned by $1,000 fines, It's made National news, and those burned tell everybody they know to stay the hell away. SLT is already damaged goods as far as a vacation destination, and Prop. T will make it a lot worse. SLT will become a town of retirees, second homes, a few tourists and a few workers working at a few businesses. Maybe, after a couple of years of enjoying "tranquility", they'll rescind the ban. Or, maybe a new convention center will pack the hotels with convention goers. Those conventions leaving San Francisco have to go somewhere. Hopefully, the street bums won't follow.